Well, it’s great to see what those Good Ole Boys in The Great State have decided… it’s OKAY to fraternize with Nazis! Imagine my reactions on reading this little nugget from the foreign press this evening —

“Members of Texas’s Republican party are free to associate with Nazi sympathizers without worries of violating internal policy after they held a vote Saturday.” ~~ courtesy of The Guardian: Members of Texas Republican party free to associate with Nazi sympathizers

Yeehaw and Heil to all!

Honestly, I swear Texas is trying to out-bizarre Florida…


Elsewhere, no apologies for yesterday’s post… it’s been a weird month and this next one is promising more of the same. I wasn’t kidding when I commented about the radiotherapy — it appears that I really was experiencing the side effects of being zapped with highly-focused beams of energy. And there’s more of it to come. The fun just never stops around here.

But I did manage to work on some new music, so there will be some treats ahead, I promise. After last months disastrous event where multiple updates all fell on the same hour/day, the new configuration is providing some very nice sounds. Even the cheapo Squier is sounding good!

And THIS is finally working correctly (speaking of music, etc.,)… do feel free to check it out (there’s a music video, of sorts).


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