Killing time… second by second.

I think I want to buy a lottery ticket just so I can run this exercise myself —
an evening’s entertainment, to be sure.

Run, Jeff, run.

(Here’s a photo to distract you while you’re counting your hundreds)

The (Ambient) Savage Returns

Yep, it’s showtime! At 11:00AM, US/Pacific (aka “Second Life Time”), I’ll be presenting another live performance of “Musique Ambient Sauvage”, courtesy of that crazy avatar, AldoManutio Abruzzo (better known as ME in real life). Directions with a link to get you there below, both in the text and the image.

You can use this special URL to get there with whatever app you use for Second Life:

Hope to see you there!

Decamp to Bandcamp! Allez!

It’s just a start — there’s so much to pull together and get online, but I’ve been inspired by getting the studio in a better working order, so I have a few relatively new tracks to share. So here, in its unvarnished glory:

… hope you give a listen and maybe buy me a cup of beverage.

Et mais oui — c’est vendredi!


© June/July 1950

Henceforth, any and all my creative endeavors shall be considered copyright and created as of June-July, 1950. Why? Because I was born the first week of April, 1951. And I’m in such great company in maintaining this stance:

“Dates attributed to artworks are widely understood to refer to the year they were completed. However, in response to questions from the Guardian, Hirst’s company Science Ltd said the date that the artist assigns to his formaldehyde works does not represent the date they were made.

It said: “Formaldehyde works are conceptual artworks and the date Damien Hirst assigns to them is the date of the conception of the work. He has been clear over the years when asked what is important in conceptual art; it is not the physical making of the object or the renewal of its parts, but rather the intention and the idea behind the artwork.[emphasis mine].”

Apparently, the important thing to remember in making art (or music or any other creative endeavor is the date of conception, so June/July 1950 it is.

The Hirst story has some legs; press continues to be given in the Guardian the past few days with more details about this. “Damien Hirst shark that sold for about $8m is fourth 2017 work dated to 1990s” reads the headline in the latest article on, what feels to me at a minimum of being disingenous, if not dishonest.

Oh, wait. Would that make a person a “fabulist?” It’s enough to make you stop making art/music and take up teaching English…

Copyright ©June/July 1950 by Dennis “He Started This, Not Me” Moser

Amelie, Brigitte, and Chloé

A very special event: Special performance today — 12 hours long — beginning at 3:00 pm SLT/US Pacific until 3:00 am SLT/US Pacific, featuring the generative sounds of Amelie, Brigitte, and Chloé — aka “The Zoia Sisters”. This special sound environment will be performed without interruption, so come aboard and chill out at this new venue.

SLURL below:

Yep, twelve hours of uninterrupted generative sound environment, using Second Life to stream it out to the world. Stop by and give a listen.

“Once more unto the breach, dear friends…”

It’s the first Saturday of the month, so it is time once again. Sorry about January but honestly, December’s radiotherapy kind of kicked my proverbial butt and the idea of even holding the guitar for an hour seemed a very foreign notion.

So we’re back this weekend for another show in Second Life:

So if you know, you know and the SLURL will get you there. Specifically, that would be this Saturday, 3 February 2024, at 11:00 AM, US Pacific Time. Hope to see you there.

Concerto grosso n. 8, Op. 6 “Fatto per la notte di Natale”

For ’tis the season. Here’s to Gesina, Liz, Kit, and even Starla for that simple high school orchestra Christmas concert so many years. This piece has stayed with me ever since.


Concerto grosso n. 8, Op. 6 “Fatto per la notte di Natale”, Arcangelo Corelli.

The More It Changes…

Well, it’s great to see what those Good Ole Boys in The Great State have decided… it’s OKAY to fraternize with Nazis! Imagine my reactions on reading this little nugget from the foreign press this evening —

“Members of Texas’s Republican party are free to associate with Nazi sympathizers without worries of violating internal policy after they held a vote Saturday.” ~~ courtesy of The Guardian: Members of Texas Republican party free to associate with Nazi sympathizers

Yeehaw and Heil to all!

Honestly, I swear Texas is trying to out-bizarre Florida…


Elsewhere, no apologies for yesterday’s post… it’s been a weird month and this next one is promising more of the same. I wasn’t kidding when I commented about the radiotherapy — it appears that I really was experiencing the side effects of being zapped with highly-focused beams of energy. And there’s more of it to come. The fun just never stops around here.

But I did manage to work on some new music, so there will be some treats ahead, I promise. After last months disastrous event where multiple updates all fell on the same hour/day, the new configuration is providing some very nice sounds. Even the cheapo Squier is sounding good!

And THIS is finally working correctly (speaking of music, etc.,)… do feel free to check it out (there’s a music video, of sorts).

Adam Fenner

Former Adventurer turned full-time Dad moonlighting as an author


A bird, a book, and a pair of binoculars

Lilyhouse Studio Editions

Travels, Creations and the Things I See


weekly posts on literature, languages, and learning

Ghetto Girl Travels Blog

Follow the Adventure with Ghetto Girl Travels, a travel blog about a solo traveler, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer and Americorps Member.

Runar Magnusson

Runar Magnusson - disturbing in more ways than one

Bryan Alexander

Futurist, educator, speaker, writer

Les Moyens du Bord

Atelier pour tous

Fountain pen blog

Pens, inks, notebooks and other accessories

Hypnagogue Podcast

A thoughtfully handcrafted podcast of ambient, electronic, New Age, and contemporary instrumental music

Fountain Pen Love

For people who love using, collecting and learning about fountain pens.

UK fountain pens

Your impartial and comprehensive review site for writing instruments


Portals of London

Towards a catalogue of London’s interdimensional gateways

Adam Fenner

Former Adventurer turned full-time Dad moonlighting as an author


A bird, a book, and a pair of binoculars

Lilyhouse Studio Editions

Travels, Creations and the Things I See


weekly posts on literature, languages, and learning

Ghetto Girl Travels Blog

Follow the Adventure with Ghetto Girl Travels, a travel blog about a solo traveler, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer and Americorps Member.

Runar Magnusson

Runar Magnusson - disturbing in more ways than one

Bryan Alexander

Futurist, educator, speaker, writer

Les Moyens du Bord

Atelier pour tous

Fountain pen blog

Pens, inks, notebooks and other accessories

Hypnagogue Podcast

A thoughtfully handcrafted podcast of ambient, electronic, New Age, and contemporary instrumental music

Fountain Pen Love

For people who love using, collecting and learning about fountain pens.

UK fountain pens

Your impartial and comprehensive review site for writing instruments


Portals of London

Towards a catalogue of London’s interdimensional gateways