Act 3, scene 2 … it’s curtains time

The lady doth protest too much, methinks…

I voted for Joe and Kamala. I voted for Kamala

But I did so knowing that we might wind up on the wrong side of history if the US continued to pursue its policies towards Palestine and Israel. What is outrageous is that Americans, in particular, do not understand the difference between being anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic.

For that matter, my experience living in Germany taught me that they, too, have a similar problem. And now the EU has a problem.

No, Joe, what is outrageous is what the slaughter and genocide that the US continues. And we aren’t doing nearly enough to stop it.


Author: Catherder General

Citoyen du monde: Photographer, librarian/archivist/academic, musician, and writer... Sadly returning to the US for a bit, due to bureaucratic nonsense.

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