Walking with Janus…

This is more of an announcement than reflections on the beginning of a new year. Where once when I was young the “holidays” held excitement, I have grown less and less sanguine about them and my noting of their passing has become increasingly less celebratory. So this is more about the “how” of the passing of 2024 last night and the release of the fruits of the efforts thus spent.

I took part in the electro-music.com 2024-2025 New Year’s Eve live stream and here, in the link that follows is the result of my performance there. No guitars were harmed (my two favs are in Houston, Texas being cared for until my arrival there, sometime in the coming months), but a couple of synths were definitely involved!

As always, any day is a good day to support the efforts of living artists, especially those you may follow on social media such as here —

Walking with Janus, Ever Forwards, Ever Backwards

Enjoy and share!

Author: Catherder General

Citoyen du monde: Photographer, librarian/archivist/academic, musician, and writer... Sadly returning to the US for a bit, due to bureaucratic nonsense.

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