Ten years on…

… and nothing to show for it.

The question “Why?” is almost meaningless, given the deep dysfunction that continues to emerge and manifest in Royaume-Uni. Can’t even blame Brexit for this.

I know I complain a lot to, and with, my German students about the level of digitization in Germany and draw comparisons to France and the US, but there is no way I would ever hold up the UK as an example of “how to get it done.” I can understand and appreciate the differences I find in the US, France, and Germany, but I repeatedly find myself wondering just what the heck is the problem with the UK.

Details about this rant here:

Millions wasted on attempt to create nationwide UK library website…

Meanwhile, here’s some fresh digitizing for you. Fresh from le Peuple Foy et le Passage St. Catherine, voila!

Author: alfonsoelsabio

Citoyen du monde: Photographer, librarian/archivist/academic, musician, and writer... France is home these days.

Adam Fenner

Former Adventurer turned full-time Dad moonlighting as an author


A bird, a book, and a pair of binoculars

Lilyhouse Studio Editions

Travels, Creations and the Things I See


weekly posts on literature, languages, and learning

Ghetto Girl Travels Blog

Follow the Adventure with Ghetto Girl Travels, a travel blog about a solo traveler, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer and Americorps Member.

Runar Magnusson

Runar Magnusson - disturbing in more ways than one

Bryan Alexander

Futurist, educator, speaker, writer

Les Moyens du Bord

Atelier pour tous

Fountain pen blog

Pens, inks, notebooks and other accessories

Hypnagogue Podcast

A thoughtfully handcrafted podcast of ambient, electronic, New Age, and contemporary instrumental music

Fountain Pen Love

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UK fountain pens

Your impartial and comprehensive review site for writing instruments



Portals of London

Towards a catalogue of London’s interdimensional gateways

Adam Fenner

Former Adventurer turned full-time Dad moonlighting as an author


A bird, a book, and a pair of binoculars

Lilyhouse Studio Editions

Travels, Creations and the Things I See


weekly posts on literature, languages, and learning

Ghetto Girl Travels Blog

Follow the Adventure with Ghetto Girl Travels, a travel blog about a solo traveler, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer and Americorps Member.

Runar Magnusson

Runar Magnusson - disturbing in more ways than one

Bryan Alexander

Futurist, educator, speaker, writer

Les Moyens du Bord

Atelier pour tous

Fountain pen blog

Pens, inks, notebooks and other accessories

Hypnagogue Podcast

A thoughtfully handcrafted podcast of ambient, electronic, New Age, and contemporary instrumental music

Fountain Pen Love

For people who love using, collecting and learning about fountain pens.

UK fountain pens

Your impartial and comprehensive review site for writing instruments



Portals of London

Towards a catalogue of London’s interdimensional gateways