They Thought They Were Safe

Lots of comparisons being made between the current situation and emerging oligarchy in the US and what happened to Germany in the 1930’s. Some people are claiming that the Germans didn’t know what was happening. Consider, though, that Adolf was LEGALLY appointed as Chancellor in 1933. It is hard to claim that some didn’t know. What is troubling is that there were so many who thought it wasn’t a problem, since it was legal.

I encourage you to take a look at the link below… it’s a very slippery slope we are on.

Remember, those events didn’t happen in a vacuum: Mussolini as legally elected in 1923 and by 1925 had declared himself dictator in what he called a fascist government…

Author: Catherder General

Citoyen du monde: Photographer, librarian/archivist/academic, musician, and writer... Sadly returning to the US for a bit, due to bureaucratic nonsense.

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